Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Tuesday, Nov. 23 - Seven Weeks Old

Yesterday was my 7 week old birthday. Well, mommy and daddy really didn't hold any elaborate celebration for me but I still enjoyed my day. Mommy says that I am working more and more towards a routine during my day - eat, play and awake time, sleep, and the occasional poop/pee and cry time. Note, the occasional cry time (according to mom and dad). It does seems like I am more comfortable now with my surroundings so I am not crying or fussing as much. But don't worry my friends, there is always still time to fuss around :) I am also so happy that my dressing is off of my chest now - I really did not like it when mom and dad changed it :(

Let's hope mommy and daddy feed me some turkey tomorrow. I can't wait.....

1 comment:

  1. Happy Thanksgiving, Will! We are thankful that you are doing so great. Keep up the good work!

    Parker's grandparents
