Sunday, November 7, 2010

Sunday, Nov. 7, 2010

Another football Sunday in the CICU! I am beginning to think the nurses and doctors want to keep me around because I am so cute and well behaved :) I had a great night and am now up to 12 ML's per hour on my milk! They are still moving me up slowly to make sure my stomach and intestines can handle my feedings well but so far so good. My lungs also looked really good on my morning x-rays so they are only going to do my PD therapy every 8 hours. I can't say I am going to miss it very much but I am going to miss the visits from my wonderful RTs (hopefully they will still stop in to say hi to me from time to time). I am feeling and looking really good lately and my mom and dad can hold me a lot more easily since I'm not hooked up to so many wires any more! I love looking at my colorful mobile, my musical mirror and my stuffed animals...and of course at my mom and dad! I have been getting the hiccups quite a bit lately, too which I don't mind much, but I do make a funny squeaking sound when I get them. I am also a pro at sucking on my pacifier, so I do that as much as I can because it is good practice for when I am finally able to eat from a bottle.


  1. Will looks great and very comfy, too. Thanks so much for the updates and pictures. Love the pics of Will with his Mom and Dad! Keep up the wonderful progress.

    Parker's grandparents

  2. Will,
    You look absolutely amazing! I'm pretty sure you'll be home in no time. Keep fighting little guy!
    Heart hugs,
    Faith and Maggie Jane
