Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Surgery and Recovery: Doing great!

Hi everyone, I am here in the hospital recovering from my Glenn Shunt Surgery and I am doing very well! My surgery was early Monday morning and we had to get to the hospital at 5:45 am. My mom and dad and I didn't get much sleep Sunday night because the last time I could have a bottle was at 2am and I couldn't fall back asleep once I was done. Once we got checked into surgery, they gave me a baby sized hospital gown that was so cute! Mom and dad said goodbye as Dr. Fehr took me back to the OR and I was such a big boy, I didn't even cry! Around 11:30am, Dr. Huddleston told my mom and dad that the surgery went very well with no complications and no surprises - I think they were very relieved! I got to see them finally around 1:30pm (actually I just heard them because I was a little out of it). I had a really horrible headache all day and into the next morning and I was really miserable. I finally got some milk in my belly and that in combo with my good pain meds made me feel a lot better so I got a lot more sleep on Tuesday. They first had me on some pain/sedation meds and tylenol and some stuff to keep my blood pressure down. I also had an annoying nasal cannula that they took out today - yay! I am now back on my normal blood pressure meds and weaning off my sedation. I am having a little cloudiness in my chest drain due to some fluid put off by my lymph tissue which can happen after a surgery like this. The doctors are going to keep my drain in a little longer to keep an eye on that and make sure it's getting better. I am waiting to poop too and I think once I do I will feel a lot better (and lighter)! My mom and dad have been by my side since my surgery so that makes me feel much safer and I think I may give them a smile tomorrow when I am feeling a little better (and again, once I can poop!) I want to thank all my wonderful friends and family that are thinking and praying for me, you are the best and I can't wait to see you once I am fully recovered!


  1. The "waiting to poop" part of this post made me laugh. Glad everything is going so well!!!

  2. Will has already discovered one of life's joys in how it feels after a nice poop.
    So glad the little guy is doing great, love all the Smiths.

  3. So happy and relieved for you all! Sounds like Will is doing so well and we know he will keep up the good work! Continued thoughts and prayers to you all for an uneventful and speedy recovery!

    Parker's grandparents
